Shri Parimal Rai, Chief Secretary, Government of Goa & Past President, IBC inaugurated the Additional two Floors of IBC Headquarters Building on Friday, the 13th November, 2020 in the presence of Shri Pradeep Mittal, President, IBC; Dr. S.P.S. Bakshi, Past President; Shri R.N. Gupta, Vice President & Chairman and Managing Director, Ramacivil India Construction Pvt. Ltd; Shri Anant Kumar, Spl, DG, CPWD & Vice President; Shri V.R. Bansal, CE, North DMC & Executive Member; Shri Gian P. Mathur, Director, Gian P. Mathur & Associates & GC Member among others. Shri O.P. Goel Founder President, Dr. A.K. Mittal, Immediate Past President, Shri K.B. Rajoria, Past President, Chairman of Construction Committee and many Governing Council & Life Members of IBC joined virtually through Cisco Webex platform.
Shri Rai congratulated all the members of the Construction Committee and all members of IBC for completion of the dream project of IBC.
Shri Pradeep Mittal, President, IBC expressed his sincere thanks to Shri Parimal Rai for gracing the occasion as the Chief Guest. The President also conveyed his sincere thanks to all those member who extended their honorary services including those who paid donation for completion of the Project.
Shri Goel, Founder President, IBC also expressed his sincere thanks to the construction committee and the President, IBC for completion of the additional floor of IBC Building.